miércoles, 28 de mayo de 2008

Las grandes alegrías

Esta segunda entrada va dedicada a Paula, tocaya de mi sobrinísima.

He participado hoy en su felicidad por haber conseguido un Suficiente en mates... no se lo creía ni ella.

¡Que grandes son las pequeñas alegrías!

This second entry is dedicated to Paula, my friend's daughter who has the same name as my lovely niece.

I shared her happiness on learning that she'd passed her maths exam... she couldn't believe it herself.

It's the small joys are that are so great!

This site is under construction


O sea, que perdonen las molestias. Volveremos con contenido, es una promesa.

Para ir haciendo boca, vamos a poner una foto de Alberto. En menos de una semana hará dos años desde que se murió aunque sigue tan "vivo" para mí que no concibo un blog sin él.

Please excuse any inconvenience. We'll be back, with content, that's a promise.

For starters, here's a picture of Alberto. In less than a week, it will be the second annniversary of his death but he is still so "alive" to me that I cannot imagine a blog without him.